en français

GMV, 1978

    Ghislain Mollet-Viéville defines himself as an art agent. Indeed, many of the works he promotes require more than mere gallery space; questioning the very status of the art object, each one is a complete apparatus whose functioning implies the intervention of diverse instances of the art network. It is the art agent's role to make the realisation of such projects possible.

    Today, art having less to do with the actual physical objects than with the way they fit into a context , Ghislain Mollet-Viéville mainly deals with the mediatisation of art; hence, along with museum, gallery and art school spaces, he chooses to use premium supports as the press, posters, advertisements, radio programs, openings, catalogues, interviews, lectures or communiqués.

    His purpose is less to participate in a given market - that of the art object - than to work towards the development of a market that would be in itself the actual aim of art.

    Such an approach involves a rethinking of the traditionnal distribution of roles. New relations are built between artists and collectors. The art agent himself is intent on denouncing the clichés of the art world and the socio-economic systems it is subjected to and in order to do so, he presents art in a form that is art's and only art's: that of the concept.

    GMV, 1983


    Agent d'art, Expert-conseil
    Expert honoraire près la Cour d'Appel de Paris
    Membre de l'Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art
    59, ave Ledru-Rollin 75012 Paris France
    Tel. +33 1 40 02 07 40
    E-Mail: mollet-vieville@noos.fr